The DaVinci Group Honored with MVP Award from Arizona Dealer
Although we run the risk of sounding like we’re tooting our own horn, The DaVinci Group was honored recently by one of our own dealers – and we’re humbled and proud to be recognized with an award that we think is in many ways more meaningful than many of the magazine awards you read about.
Dennis Sage Home Entertainment, Inc., one of the largest custom integration companies in Arizona and a top ranked dealer in the US, presented TDG with its annual Most Valuable Partner (MVP) Award at last month’s CEDIA Expo…
Wireless Universe Continues to Expand with New Brands Supporting DTS Play-Fi
There was an interesting announcement at October’s CEDIA Expo – DTS Play-Fi was expanding with several new brands, including some respected high-end names, joining the group. Once the bane of the integrators’ existence, wireless technologies continue to gain acceptance in the consumer marketplace. Coupled with the growth in demand for streaming services, wireless multiroom streaming systems – like those from Sonos, Bose, and others – continue to gain ground.
More and more integrators report client requests to include wireless music system products and streaming services as part of their overall system architecture. The continued growth of Wi-Fi has been a major contributing factor to greater consumer adoption of technologies that can leverage that wireless backbone system with the addition of expanded options and capabilities. [read more]