CEPro Product Briefs

June 27, 2016

The DaVinci Group, Inc. (TDG) has launched completely revamped freestanding websites for its TDG Audio and Vanguard Dynamics brands. For the TDG Audio brand, the new website is located at www.TDGAudio.com.  For the Vanguard Dynamics brand, the new website is located atwww.VanguardDynamics.com. Both sites make use of visuals, but also get down to business with complete product listings, detailed company information, regional sales office locators, and a Resource Center with detailed product information.

“Our goal was to upgrade our websites in two ways,” said Alex Chiou, Chief Technology Officer of The Davinci Group, Inc. “First, to offer a less-cluttered design that is both visually stunning but at the same time possesses an intuitive navigation clarity in order to aid visitors in finding just exactly what they’re looking for. Second, to add in substantially more data and support information, such as downloadable spec sheets, manuals, and architectural drawings that – thanks to the more intuitive site navigation – is also much easier for visitors to locate and utilize.”

A simplified menu structure across the top of the home page offers visitors quick access to: Products, Where to Buy, About Us, News, and Contact Us. Each of these top-level menus open up sub-menus to, for example, take the visitor to a specific category of products, or to a list of regional sales representative offices, and more.

“These new websites are a dramatic step forward for us as compared to our initial designs — and we are quite proud of that,” said Jeff Francisco, President and CEO of The DaVinci Group. “But what brings us the greatest satisfaction is that those who have tried our new website design tell us it is a gigantic leap forward in helping them find just exactly the information they need on our brands and our products. That really was our mission with this redesign — to make life easier for our dealers and customers by serving up as much information as they need, as quickly as possible.”

CEPro Product Briefs